Megger Testing Tactics-Webinar Series
Megger Testing Tactics Webinar Series is now Eligible for NETA CTDs
We’re excited to announce that Megger’s Testing Tactics Webinar Series was recently approved by NETA to begin offering CTDs (Continuing Technical Development Credits) to all live webinar attendees. In the past we’ve only offered 1 PDH (Professional Development Hour) or 0.1 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) per webinar. Each live webinar attendee will now be eligible to receive 1 NETA CTD per webinar in addition to the PDH or CEU.
Certified Technicians (Level III and Level IV) are required to earn a minimum of 48 CTDs every three years to maintain their certification. For more information about the CTD program and requirements, please contact the NETA office at or 888-300-6382.
For more information on our Testing Tactics Webinar Series or to view our schedule of upcoming webinars, please visit